Event Recap: Elevate Your Potential

With each corner, twist, and turn of my own life, I’ve accumulated life experiences that have either held me back or propelled me forward. We all have. That’s life. You can either take the path of creation or the path of least resistance.

The path of least resistance is where you drift further and further away from your aspirations, goals, and own authenticity. Our fears, insecurities, doubts, past trauma, and unhealthy environments live here.

It is these seasons that have felt the coldest in my life. The seasons where I merely showed up and dealt with the hand I was given. It was those seasons when I lacked purpose, meaning and direction. My lack of decisions had become the decision. The decision of inaction and mediocrity. I was too fearful to fight for a better, more fulfilling path.

What if I got rejected?

What if I failed?

What if I hurt their feelings?

What if others judged me?

Am I actually worthy of this?

These fears, insecurities, and pockets of self-doubt held me back from the path of creation. Admittedly, most days I felt too tired to tackle the work in front of me. And so, I suppressed my own desires and sadness. I adapted to the world around me. I quietly negotiated with myself and tucked away the dreams I once had in exchange for the path of least resistance. I craved deeper meaning and fulfillment in my life. Yet, finding that felt impossible, daunting, and far too abstract to obtain. It was paralyzing.

That’s because fulfillment isn’t found. It’s created through exploration and curiosity.

That’s exactly what this event, Elevate Your Potential, is about. Together, we take the time to find stillness through a visualization meditation, and we pause to listen to what our desires truly are. This clarity begins to paint a picture of what is important to us. We step outside of the expectations of others and our own mental clutter that’s been holding us back and into the authenticity of our hearts. We create without judgment and boundaries in our relationships, well-being, spirituality, career, community, and lifestyle.

We take the time to answer questions like:

In 2026…

How do I want to feel?

What do I want to look like?

How am I spending my time?

Who am I helping?

How am I taking care of myself?

What do my relationships feel like?

How is my faith playing a role in my life?

How present am I with my kids?

What does my marriage feel like?

What will I accomplish?

For some of us, this work can be really energizing. And others, it’s uncomfortable. Oftentimes, it’s both. Embrace it. Those who are willing to take full responsibility for their life are those who feel the deepest sense of fulfillment and can ultimately elevate their own potential.

The question is: Is this YOU?

This group was ready! Thank you to those who made the time to show up for yourselves. Taking this time to listen among the chaos and noise of our own lives doesn’t come easy, but you did it. You have started to paint a picture of your own life in the next three years. Through daily, intentional living and awareness, you can begin to manifest this next version of your life with the decisions you make, the boundaries you set, and the honesty you hold for what’s truly important to you.


Growth Happens.


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