I share it all because the highlights divide us and the struggles unite us.

Through these candid confessions and reflections, you will understand that we are all connected. We are united by similar fears, self-doubt, and pressures.

We each hold a key to unlocking our fullest potential through inspired action.

Reminders & Building Blocks
Family, Fitness, Business Chelsea Theodoropoulos Family, Fitness, Business Chelsea Theodoropoulos

Reminders & Building Blocks

If you follow me on social you may have seen my stories of my time here in Charlotte, North Carolina. I arrived on Sunday afternoon for a weeklong training, Burn University, hosted by Burn Boot Camp HQ. Every five years (upon franchise renewal), I am required to return although it doesn't take much begging. Charlotte was HOME for me for 14 years. I moved here when I was 18 years old for college and met Ted three months later. Fun fact: Ted and I have been together since the day we met on November 15th, 2003.  I almost transferred to Virginia Tech for an Interior Design degree and completed all my paperwork to study abroad in Ireland for a semester but declined both opportunities at the final hour. Had I said “yes," my life would look very different today. I'm thankful. (Plus, it turns out I suck at picking paint colors.)

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